New Journeys Thursdays On Board Smyril


The 36th journey will now be available on Smyril´s weekly timetable. This new journey will be set into the timetable on Thursdays. The new timetable will be valid from April the 21st 2016.

We have chosen to let departures Thursday be similar to departures on Mondays and Wednesdays so we follow a certain travel pattern. However the last departure Thursdays from Krambatanga is earmarked for cargo from Suðuroy and will be sailed at 17:30 like today.

This way there are at least three days a week where you can travel both from the north and from the south to make errands without having to travel all day long.

See the new timetable here

Bus routes in Suðuroy will also be changed in connection with the changes on board Smyril. The timetables for route 700 is here and route 701 is here